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Gail Clark

Being a helper in the behavioral health and substance abuse field, it is my aspiration to assist others to become balanced and comfortable with themselves. Using a person-centered approach, I work with individuals exploring strengths and build upon them to propel one to live life, manage challenges, and to help one experience aspects of life in a productive manner. Incorporating multiple techniques, a relationship in the room with me reflects a positive regard for individuals. An environment of optimism for one to seek answers to questions about self, relationships, and managing stressors in life is attainable for those asking for help.

I have a Master of Science degree from Wilmington University and have been practicing since 2006. My undergraduate degree is in Elementary Education from Delaware State University. I use Dialectical Beavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Mindfulness among other techniques in therapy working with adults having challenges with mood, anxiety, PTSD, and addictions.