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About Us

Helping woman and men who are looking for a shift in their mindset to overcome barriers that’s preventing them from financial freedom and emotional wellness. Healing The Inner You, is for anyone looking for assistance as they work through transformations that will increase their quality of life. I am a therapist who can assist with anxiety, depression, OCD, trauma, spiritual coaching and other related disorders. 

Healing is for everyone and you can have access to therapist who can assist with anxiety, depression, OCD, trauma, spiritual coaching and other related disorders. Life happens to leave some issues that we need help getting through instead of remaining stuck! Let’s work together to bring out the best part of you to show up in all areas of your life and community for our families and neighbors.

Meet Our Team

Kimberly Jackson

Kimberly Jackson

My goal is to assist with improving an individual mental health. I look forward to helping individuals eliminate or overcome obstacles preventing them from experiencing growth in different areas of their life.
Gail Clark

Gail Clark

Using a person-centered approach, I work with individuals exploring strengths and build upon them to propel one to live life, manage challenges, and to help one experience aspects of life in a productive manner.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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